Kids Kollege 2023 offers 177 classes spread over 10 weeks beginning June 5, and running through August 11, for students four to 15 years of age.

Kids Kollege schedule cover

For 2023, the Kids Kollege program is pleased to announce a free GenCyber Camp for High School and Middle School students.  Participants can discover what a hands-on career in cybersecurity could look like in a memorable, highly-engaging week. By programming drones and programming robots, students will cultivate technology strengths, and they’ll learn the importance of cyber safety with online behavior and the distinctions of white hat, black hat, and ethical hacking.

“We are pleased to once again host a cybersecurity summer camp,” says Dr. Lorenzo Reyes, vice president for Workforce & Economic Development. “Summer camps are an excellent opportunity for middle and high school students to explore career pathways to higher education, leading to good-paying jobs.”

“GenCyber was a huge success in 2017 and 2018, and we’re pleased to be a National Security Agency grant recipient and offer this opportunity to our community again,” explains Continuing Education Director Liesl Dees.

Additional Kids Kollege classes include perennial favorites, such as Fancy Like Nancy, Indoor Rock Climbing, Basketball Central, and Japanese Cooking. Others are new and timely, including Mini STEM Science, Big Screen Piano, Cel Animation, Beginning Diné Language, and Kids Pickleball Basics. Older students can take Drones, Electronics, Basic 3D Printing, and Intermediate 3D Printing to get hands-on experience with top-of-the-line equipment at the San Juan College Makerspace, The Big Idea.

Most classes run one week, so families can work around other summer plans or enroll out-of-town grandkids and cousins for a week of fun. Many classes are two hours for five days, with other options including morning care for Super Summer STEM Camp beginning at 7:45 a.m. and classes that last until 5 p.m. for working parents.

Kids Kollege offers scholarship opportunities through the San Juan College Foundation, including a limited number of full scholarships to the Super Summer STEM Camp and $49 scholarships that can be applied to other Kids Kollege classes. For students who have completed the sixth and seventh grades, the BHP Billiton Youth Camp offers a free taste of college in a 5-day camp thanks to the generosity of BHP Billiton through the San Juan College Foundation.

Applications for GenCyber Camp and scholarship instructions are posted on the Kids Kollege website. Families will also find on the website a convenient and easy registration experience that eliminates the need for in-person registration unless paying by cash or check.

Visit Kids Kollege , or call the Community Learning Center at 505-566-3214 for additional questions.

Phone: (505) 566-3214

30th Street Education Center
3401 E. 30th St. | SJC 2nd Floor Entrance