SJC 2023 - Router Panel content type details

ID: 569
Name: SJC 2023 - Router Panel
Description: Adds the CTA links using TinyMCE in two columns

Content element details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Show on Secondary pageSelect the checkbox to show the content on the full width secondary page80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Section Heading (H2)Enter the title for the content80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Section DescriptionEnter the description for the content315 CharactersPlain TextNo
Left Column Image (800x800)Select the image from media library80 KilobytesMediaNo
Left Column LinksEnter the column links in the <ul> <li> format99999 CharactersHTMLNo
Right Column LinksEnter the column links in the <ul> <li> format99999 CharactersHTMLYes

How to use

A block to display a list of links. The heading and the right column link fields are required. A description and either left column links or left column image can also be added.

Select the Show on Secondary page checkbox when using this on pages with the Secondary page layout to center the block.

In a section using the Secondary layout (like this one), left column links and right column links will be displayed as 2 columns. If the section is using a Tertiary page layout they will be display as one column.


Router Panel Section Heading - Left Column Image & Right Column Links

This is the Section Description text

Router Panel Section Heading - Right Column Links

This is the Section Description text