SJC 2023 - SJC Highlights Wrapper content type details

ID: 552
Name: SJC 2023 - SJC Highlights Wrapper
Description: Adds the highlights section title and description.

Content element details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Section Heading (H2)Enter the title for the content80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Section DescriptionEnter the description for the content120 CharactersPlain TextNo

How to use

The wrapper for the Highlights Cards slider which add a section heading and an optional section description.

There can only be one SJC Highlights Wrapper on a page.


Section Heading

This is the section description text

Mountains behind a lakeMountains behind a lake

Highlights Card Title One

The first card description text

CTA text 1

Highlights Card Title Two

The second card description text

CTA text 2